Thursday, November 22, 2012


The walls of my lonely soul are stained with the blood of the innocent.

The scarlet streaks cry out against the crisp white walls.

My fear grows as the silence erupts.
I cry out but my voice is haulted.

I remain in this silent prison.

Although motionless, I feel the walls creeping closer.

She looks down on me and is pleasures by my torment and fear.
Her long fingernails scratch at my heart.

But she is careful to spill no blood.
Her violence is her tenderness.

Her hatred is her charm.

Her love the weapon, her beauty the ammunition.

-Johnny V.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I present my charred and scarred soul to the man. 

He tells me it is far too damaged to purchase. I plead that it may still hold hope for another more worthy. 

He brushes me aside. I protest, that so much of the damage is at his own hand. 

He laughs and says, "So it has been since the dawn of time." As I desend Heaven's stairs, I curse my creator for his weakness.

-Johnny V.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Where is the real GOP?

For some time now I have been watching the Republican party of Goldwater slowly destroying itself from within. It has been infested with a hateful and angry radical group hiding under the umbrella of small government. They call themselves the Tea party.

The interesting thing to me is that this group did not even exist during Bush and his out of control spending, two wars, the patriot act etc. But two months after a black man was put in the white house suddenly the were upset. Suddenly spending was out of control, the constitution was being ignored. Needless to say the patriot act is one of the worst violations of the constitution ever created.

But we were told this black man who might not even be American would make the USA into a socialist nation. All this of course less than 100 days into his term. So it makes me wonder the true motives of this so called "grass roots" movement. We learned later on that the tea party was deeply financed by the Koch brothers and other billionaire business men. Now I am seeing these extremists take over the party. The problem is that they represent a very small part of the population. They just happen to scream the loudest. The hate and anger they have makes them sound larger and stronger than they are. I honestly believe that if the party leaders do not stand up for real conservatist values the GOP will be the Whig party of the 21st century. -Johnny V.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I have been voting since 1986. Every single election. And I have never been this afraid of a possible outcome. Since the election and swearing in of Obama there has been a dangerous and scary increase in radical right-wing ideas. Although they will deny it the creation and funding of the tea party began with Obama's election. This was apparent when they began to creep out April 2009. The president had been in office for two months and was already being touted as spending more money than any president. So much hatred out there toward Obama. Which is okay haters will hate. That's what they do. What frightens me so much is the right wing and religious views that seem to be taking over the GOP party and shifting the party so far to the right that Goldwater is turning over in his grave. And he would be called a liberal today. This idea that freedom and liberty mean freedom from government. That anything and everything the government does is in and of itself evil. The concept that the federal government needs to be eliminated. Or made so small that killing it would be as easy as a stroke of the pen. The push of the movement to revoke and take back the right that so many have fought and died for in the history of our nation. The right to vote, to marry, to choose, to be considered a citizen simply by birth. All these are in danger. The next president will put one to three judges on the SCOTUS this is something that will live longer than the next election. They would be making decisions that will last into the next decade. Secondly is the war monger mentality of this far right group. The idea that we as a nation have to god given right to force our way of life on the rest of the world because there are resources we want. The desire to build up the military industrial complex is not cheap. The war in Iraq had more government contractors and "black ops" type companies than in anytime in our nations history. These are companies and people accountable to nobody. This thinking also wants to remove any and all government regulations. The idea that so many giant multi-million dollar companies will act with impunity is a very disturbing concept. This is why my heart and my head are struggling with the possible result of the election of 2012. I hope that the voters will remember this frightening possible outcome and vote for a country that takes care of its most needy citizens. Thank you for listening. -Johnny V.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


She holds me tightly in her tallons.
Pecking, pecking at my unhealthy, unhealed wounds.
She takes her fill leaving me in the burning sun.
Never far away, she watches and waits.
As I regain my strength, and stand upon my wobbly legs.
She swoops down for a fresh feast.

-Johnny V.