Thursday, January 24, 2013


I know the demons from a lifetime before.

For fear has lost sight of my soul long ago.

I reach out for love but it eludes my grasp.

The cold muzzle leaves its mark on my temple.

He knows my courage is too weak to complete my task.

His laughter mocks my ignorance.

He cries out. "I am coming for you, as the last heat of the sun kisses the cool ocean look to me."

I smile for I believe my torment is done.

But his cruelty whispers loudly that it has only begun.

-Johnny V.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Her eyes are gentle windows into a struggled soul.
The softness of het skin, equaled only by spun silk.
Lilac and roses are its scent.
Her grace is as a butterfly's dance.
Her beauty is but once a lifetime.
I am forever drawn to her purity and her tender heart.
Lost in her eyes, and consumed by her warmth.
-Johnny V.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Beauty of a Shell

Her smile reveals a beauty that surpasses explanation.

Her charm, her grace, demand love from those buzzing around her.

Her laugh can hault a sparrow's song.

Her eyes reveal a tender, yet troubled soul.

He hangs on her every breath, and
understands her needs before they come due.

She allows him into her fold.

He surrenders his heart completely.

She caresses it with a soft and gentle tone.

Yet it is returned unaccepted encased in friendship and love.

But with a heaviness he is unsure can be endured.

-Johnny V.