Saturday, December 28, 2013

One Elect

I stand on the precipice no more steps to take. Directionless, and unclear, as a squire with no knight to serve, as a Lord in a bedazzled kirtle, and no maiden to entertain.

Her bastions of heavy booted, and overinduldged, phantoms of the dark, cross the rude bridge with but one task, my end. But I have too long been paralyzed, and will no longer knee at her altar of false desires.

She is an artificer, of deceit and can daily dun her followers until their purses are empty as the seventh daughter of the Atlas. Her melodious disdain for her lovers will forever be their Achilles heel.

They as I left with but one elect, death or endless torment. I refuse to return to her bed, where love grows spector thin and dies. Instead I bound into the abyss marking my birth not with a gentle splash but with a song.

-Johnny V.

Friday, December 27, 2013


my sweet
delicate muse. Gently may you
pass thru
the guilded threshold of

While sunk in awe
the old priest
charms the
chalice of depravity.
And l,
and seethed in damp solitude.

the true
vertical to renounce
the duty saddled
of the homebound

can grace
forced to shame
their wit
with muteness.
My heart
just a sliver
to the
as we drown
inside the
river of

-Johnny V.

Havoc Unleashed

Remain steadfast/ upon/ the wind/swept cliffs.
Raise high/ your/ coiled fist/ to his rage/ fear not his anger.
Despite his power/ You forever remain/ his single/ prideful creation.
He will compel/ his unwavering angels to bow/ before thee.
Let loose/of your embattled/ courage.

He is/ forever /a content/ and forgiving God. Be you / saint / or sinner /so surrender.
Allow /even your / separation /from his scented rose /as you kiss /the colored cup /of romance.

We /spend but an instant /speaking to the midnight sun /caressing /the delicate /morning blossoms. Therefore /drink greedily /the wine of life. Turn your back /toward the bruised /dark abyss. And /unleash havoc /upon the train station /of deceit.

-Johnny V.

Carmen's Eyes

Whence the midnight stars have lost their summer burn and are but feigning, turn they to Carmen's eyes.

She dances in the square, her brocade muslin captures the strength of all in her space. Her delightful toes do but lightly caress the ground as she floats upon the air.

Whence the snow laid peaks crave the long forgotten summer sun to touch their frozen souls, turn they to Carmen's eyes.

Her breathe can at once forgive a demon's curse. With a gentle smile all is banished but the warmest breeze. Her heart abundant and forgiving can bring serenity to all who witness.

Blessed be he who she holds to her breast for tis he and he alone who will be forever content in the quietness of her spirit.

-Johnny V.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Love's Walk

We strode thru the tall grass hand in hand, our fears distant and forgotten wounds. The winds of heaven blow and let the mountains kiss the clouds as they hover past.
We walk past trees dashed with pearls of morning dew. The fragrant rosebuds float serenely upon warm bereaved and constant wind.
Her eyes loving and belied with compassion,  as they give flight to featherless birds. Their strength  walks quietly across the balance beam of faith.
The rain swelled rivers carelessly seaward creep. Resting atop the soiled gardens and cobwebbed thrones, of desires long unsavored.
-Johnny V.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Heartache's March

Her lies are tainted with flecks of gold, her voice as hollow as the armor of a defeated knight. He hears only lyrical truth, and honey scented words.
Her touch grizzled and calloused, her eyes dark, empty, and obscure. He sees green pools of delight, and feels the roll of silk upon his flesh.
For men far and wide know of her deception, yet powerless to reject her wiles. She can bring only pain and heartache, but still they seek her spirit.
They know the pain will be monstrous. Yet frozen and stifled are they all from retreat. So onward to heartache they march.
-Johnny V.

Monday, December 16, 2013

His Stride

Her slumber ends with her soul in fragile delight. Her dreams contained fair haired minstrels singing of young gods. Fierce, young gods wringing their hands with doubt.

Twas but a fortnight since her prideful lover had at long last vanquished her confident foe. Now trapped in constant silent sleep, beneath the dark and hallowed pillars of sordid pilgrims.

Her beautiful paleness calling to glossy bees. Still defending an inward nuptial mirth. She moves as doth a lovely maid, upon the skirts of a charmed and pious magnificence.

At last she spies his careless stride, taunting the casket of a gruesome death. He arrives like a phantom of lucid jest. His haughty and imputed pomp, can leave even cupid afright. Alas she waits for her balmy companion, perchance to grant her one vague glance. He ascends the rope of hope with mighty strife, bloody knife askew. She bathed in her zenith of joy, leaving her squalid doom, alone to weep.

-Johnny V.

His Bliss

He spied her from across the crowded dance floor. Yet he saw not a soul but her. He heard tales of her beauty and realized instantly they did little to describe what he was gazing upon.
Her care not attitude only made his desire deepen. His feet frozen, nailed to the floor. He had to speak to her, if he did nothing more. He had to speak, just to hear her voice.
He glided across the floor passing the dancers as if they were standing still. Finally he was in her edifice, the scent of lilacs filled his being. She turned, her hair the color of ripe wheat laid on shoulder as gentle as a butterfly's wing.
He swallowed hard, the beads of nerves rolling down his face. Her eyes met his, they held him spellbound. Her gentle smile told him his question was ok, and wanted. He cleared his throat and with shy tongue he spoke.
-Johnny V

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Just relaxing watching the final season of Dexter, love this show.
Later today going to watch a performance of the nutcracker. There is nothing as beautiful as a ballerina. Not a big fan of the story. But can watch the dancing all day.

-Johnny V.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Dawn

As the Dawn breeches the calm horizon her fire is felt by all. Her fury feared thru the ages. Ah, but I alone understand her true nature.

Her soft seductive soul, the quiet smile, where on the calm sea she kisses the morning sailors. For this is the Dawn that I alone seem to see, that only my vision perceives above all.

The frightened baby girl she keeps hidden beneath a crusty bitch exterior. Her soulful eyes yearning for acceptance in a world too cold to care.

Therefore, she my gentle companion, will hold my heart and enrich my.spirit far beyond my final breath.

- Johnny V.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


She steps through the doorway her beauty at once terrifying and  unbound.The list of souls she will conquer tonight make themselves known, as they scurry to her. Fighting amongst each other for the tiniest scent of her false affection.
As she glides across the room she mimickes a calm dove-footed angel. Then spies her latest victim. He is holding her drink as she commanded. She waits to be noticed, as she prefers to be the single object of his desire.
She refuses to see her past suitors, whom she used then forgot. They, left homeless, and heartbroken like smoldering, disavowed children. Longing for a destiny bubbling with honey.
-Johnny V.