The rage of the engine stained her ears and moistened her femininess. Resilient black tires tossed rocks and dirt with little care. She felt the vibrations first in her soft, dark, bare toes. Then it rose along her silky and endless legs. She quivered as it touched her newly shaved space.
As before his steely, cold, black eyes hit her, and instantly she again was his. He stepped out of his car, the 360 four barrel still running. Drowning out all other sounds. Although she knew not his name she approached him. He took her into his arms, and drew her into his broad chest.
She could smell the scent of gasoline, engine grease, and sweat. The way he wore his laboratory made her weak and helpless. He kissed her hard, his hot tongue flooded her small mouth. She grabbed his razor stubbled face and kissed him back.
Suddenly he took hold of her dark hair. She expected him to pull her closer to him as he was apt to do. Rather he rejected her lips, keeping his grip on her hair, he took her forearm. He moved her, rough enough so she knew he was in control, but soft enough not to hurt.
When they reached the back of the car he picked her up and set her on top of the trunk. He reached underneath her dangerously short denim skirt, took hold of the crotch of her wet panties, and in one moved her tore them apart. He again kissed her as his thick fingers entered her wetness, she gasped. His kiss was hot, hard, and wet. His fingers thick heavy and strong.
With one final expert flourish he turned her over. She could feel the cold steel of the car on her hard nipples through her white blouse. His zipper came down and with a deep throated grunt he pushed his very hard, and thick cock into her eager pussy.