Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Our current crisis:

-      Russia military threats.

-      Iran (doing the things they were not doing under deal)

-      North Korea missile testing, refusing talks.

-      Saudi Arabia investigation and buying our weapons.

-      Americans dying in Dominican Republic.

-      China, Mexico, tariffs, (companies complaining its bad)

-      Puerto Rico still being screwed.

-      Rise in hate crimes.

What is our president doing?

-      Campaigning

-      Insulting Bette Midler, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, ETC

-      Making jokes about running for a third term.

-      Threatening to start Jackboot tactics on undocumented workers.

-      Threatening to personally act against the Federal Reserve which is independent unless they do what he wants.

-      Refusing subpoenas implying that as president he can do whatever he wants and that the law doesn’t apply to him.

Dear Trump lovers please explain why this doesn’t bother you. If this was Obama, or Hillary doing this you would be crying for their heads on a platter. I want an honest and valid reply please tell me why its okay. Or do you not have an answer or the courage?

-Johnny V.

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