Just checked in now. Waiting for them to call me back to get started. Scared fucking shitless. But I know I'm in good hands. Hopefully I will post later.
-Johnny V.
Just checked in now. Waiting for them to call me back to get started. Scared fucking shitless. But I know I'm in good hands. Hopefully I will post later.
-Johnny V.
Sitting here watching tv with my daughter. Having fun but very worried about tomorrow's surgery. I'm fucking scared shitless. I don't want to go through with it.
-Johnny V.
Morning was wonderful. Had great coffee and conversation. Then just long and rough day. Picking up wife from work then nap. Not feeling too great today. Not very happy. Don't want to have this operation. Very nervous and scared. Worried something will go wrong.
-Johnny V.
Ps. Life next time I have a fucking stupid idea slap me.
I brought home our dog today. It was super sad to see her all cut up. It broke my heart. I always tease her about being a stupid dog. Now I feel bad. She just is in a lot of pain. Poor little thing.
-Johnny V.
I wear my pain like an old familiar garment.
Each tear, each mark has its own story.
The cold cuts through more quickly today. But I refuse to let it go.
I wrap it around me tighter still. Hoping it will protect my bare soul.
But alas it has long outlived its duty.
-Johnny V.
Well been feeling cruddy but I have been getting lots of writing done. I feel good when I write. I have not had any poems in a few days. But have been editing and adding to my book. I have a few people reading it for me. And have gotten back some nice ideas.
On the heartache side I'm doing a little better. Time as they say heals all. I didn't think the pain would ever stop. It's still there but its not as bad. In the last two weeks I have seen things as they really are, and its not pretty.
As for the physical I have been getting worse. I'm more tired and the breathing is more difficult. The dizzy spells are getting harder. Last week I even fell over and hurt my leg. But I'm trying to rest. Just waiting for the surgery and see how things go.
-Johnny V.
Hello ladies and gentlemen. It's amazing how a nights sleep can change one's perspective. Even if its only 4 hours. Feeling better this morning. Looking to do some more writing today. Then maybe go swimming. I have not been in a very long time. My doctor said it is good for my jacked up heart. Then steak for dinner.......
-Johnny V.
The once sealed scars upon my heart have broken open again.
Although self inflicted, they are deeper still.
The thick scarlet liquid flows as it mocks my soul.
The endless stream of tears drain the tenderness from my spirit.
Nothing will stop the flow, for its source is far too deep.
Escape is not an option, so I wait for life to cease and hope the pain ends.
-Johnny V.
The sharp thistles are hidden amongst the petals.
But her tender, bare soles touch only the flowers.
For she has surpassed such human frailty.
Her beauty is angelic but her soul, black as pitch.
She spies her willing yet unsuspecting host.
She clothes her nakedness in his rich desire.
His wish to please her is matched only by his need to possess her.
His strength vanishes as his lust grows.
When she has her fill, his tasteless remains are tossed to her howling canine.
-Johnny V.