Thursday, November 24, 2011


I truly had a great day. Wonderful food, and surrounded by the people I love. It was a blast.

Friday, November 18, 2011

My life update

Okay so it has been way too long since I have been here. Life is getting back on track. Been in our new home for a while. All settled in. Wife is still looking for work. So money is still very tight. Barely making it from month to month. But not as deeply stressed as I used to be. I will be back posting daily hopefully if anybody is interested.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well as many of you may know we have found a new home. It is a bit smaller than our current one. But a very lovely place. We are now super busy with packing and moving. Also school is starting up again in a few weeks. So my kids are having to deal with that stress and the stress of moving. That sadly adds to my worries. I just can't wait till we are in our new place and we can adjust to our new life. So we can just put this horrible situation behind us and move on. Also my family is selling tamales on August 20th for $15 a dozen. They are pretty good.

-Johnny V.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Seems like a light

Im not making any promises. Because when I do it seems like they always fall through. But things are kinda looking up. I think we may be climing out of this hole we are in. Little by little. As long as we don't slip back. We seemed to have found a place to live. My wife hamy have found a new part-time job. So keep your fingers crossed. Thanks.

-John Valdez

Monday, August 1, 2011

New addition

Well there is a new addition to our family. My niece just gave birth to a baby boy. His name is Aiden Marcus. He will also be by godson. My niece asked me to be his godfather. I was so touched when she asked me. I made my heart fill with so much love. I am happy. And we also got some good information about our house. I think we have a place. We will know for sure in a few days.

The lie (deal)

I am so deeply disappointed in my president. He has caved into the radical extremists. These are not people interesting in cutting spending. They are interested in starving the government of revenues. They want to pull this nation back to the late 1800's. They use the argument of too big government to push their belief in a hands off business agenda. When you look at the facts you see the true drivers behind the so called 'grass roots' tea party is billionaires. They are using those who worship at the Ayn Rand temple to keep their profits high. We keep hearing the call of 'job creators' yet there have been no jobs. Corporate profits are going up. Oil company income is higher than it has been in decades. Yet the poor and middle class has never been in a worse place. We have again and again cut taxes of those so called job creators. Yet they have done no hiring. Instead they are investing overseas. They are sending jobs overseas. But still we say help the job creators help this country. I guess we needed to be specific as to which country needed those jobs.

-John Valdez

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My current situation.

I have been trying to take a look at my life lately. Maybe I am having a midlife crisis. I don't know. But it might be due to all the changes going on in my life as well. Anyway I have been struggling lately with a lot of different things. Some extremely difficult some horrible. As many know my family and I are moving after 11 years in the same home. The physical process is nothing compared to the emotional. I feel like I have failed my family. I feel like I have let down everyone around me. Since early 2008 I feel like nothing has gone right. Things just started going bad and seemed to get worse. We have I believe found a new home. But it is smaller than the home we are in. The home we are in was getting too small so things may just get harder. I have been trying to get back to school to finish my degree. But I am running into financial problems with that as well. So I am forced to take a job that is below my ability and the pay is below what my family needs. So I feel like I am in a tough cycle that I can't get out of anytime soon. The frustration is just getting to me more and more each day. It is starting to have an effect on my family as well. I have put the weight I lost this year back on. So I have to deal with that too. The heart condition I have been dealing with for many years is getting worse. However some good news the doctors have at least identified the problem and we can start working to correct it. I am trying very hard to see the the light at the end of the tunnel but sadly I have not seen anything but darkness.

-John Valdez

My first blog!

Okay so I am going to try this blogging thing. I am not sure what I will talk about. But as I get more familiar with it, I hope to be able to have some people interested enough in my random thoughts, to check it out every now and then. I hope you all like it. Thanks for looking it up if you do.