Monday, June 15, 2015


     Burn ye the flame of joy from all sides and hold fast to those so dear, for soon they will drift from your strength. Rage against the rejection of the betrayer resist the damage she does, let not the scarlet orb beat with wrath, stay true and pride shall not abate.


     Hold not any reverence towards Satan's anger though he may set your tinderbox spirit aflame, for Allah will hold you in his sight. Keep no fear then when conferred to the holy gate but look your savior in the eye and justify your worldly exploits to finish your journey.


     Do no become ensnared in your father's cold dreamless sleep, stand alone carry not his worry to your doom. For we all one day will find ourselves in the bosom of Morpheus. Our teeth broken upon the thirty pieces of wretched siliver bought to sav our soul, finding our demise as we backstep to our grave.


     Ah what a muddy and clumsy mess is man, yet once freed from our poverty we doth shine with his enduring grace. Those who belight in their lower stations shall not his savior's gladness, see. One must put the bastions of disease and squalor to the sword, even when rusty tearstained angels deliver grim salutations.


- Johnny V.