Thursday, January 26, 2012

Charles Ingals is dead

I know that this may come as a shock to many but the world of little house on the prairie is over. Long gone is the time when Hansens lumber shop could give you a job to buy flour and crop seen at Olsens market. This idea that this great nations problems can be solved by the town coming to a meeting at the schoolhouse/church is crazy. I hear this rugged individual type of rhetoric from libertarians like Ron Paul all the time. It won't work. The days of Charles literally pulling up his boot straps are finished. That may have built this nation but its different thinking and action to sustain this nation. The fundamental distrust of government is not solved by taking power from one level and giving it to another. Because sooner rather than later those same people will began to have the same fears of the state government. I have heard these same people say what Romney did in Massachusetts is okay and different from Obama because its only done at state level. Really? That tells me its not the size of the federal government or even what it does. It is the fed in and of itself that's hated. If that's the case then how could it ever be fixed?

-Johnny V.

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