Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ron Paul a walking contradiction!

I have been doing some research on Ron Paul. I have liked a great deal of what I hear him say in debates. However I am very concerned when I read his platform. He seems to me to be a load of contradictions. For example he talks about freedom and liberties. Yet he wants a federal ban on abortion. To the point where the thinks there should be a punishment given to any woman who gets one. That to me is the the government infringing on the most basic of rights.

Secondly in regards to health care he says he wants to eliminate all the government waste and greed. He talks about how the insurance companies, drug companies, doctors and HMO's are milking the system and stealing all the money going into health care. Yet his solution is to do away with all government influence. So I ask does this mean that all of a sudden those greedy insurance companies, drug companies, and doctors will get a sudden rush of morals? They will quickly start selling health policies at affordable rates? They will make drugs that poor people can afford to buy? Suddenly a person with a pre-existing condition can buy insurance?

Another thing that concerns me is some of the agencies he wants to dismantle. He wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve (actually that I love) He talks about how banks have gotten to powerful and they are gathering and using too much of our personal information and controlling our lives. Yet again as mentioned above just because the government gets out the same CEO's are still there in charge of the banks right?

He wants to get rid of the EPA. I don't understand what civil rights this infringes on with the average joe like me. Unless its my right to breathe clean air, or drink safe water, or be safe when I work underground. In my mind it is again a belief that the solution to everything is to just let businesses alone. If we do they will never dump pollutants into our water supply right.

He also talks about how in the old days when he started as a doctor all doctors would treat homeless and poor people for free because it was the right thing to do. I don't understand how once the government is out of the picture all the rest involved will suddenly become ethical and start helping out the poor. Its like saying if it were not for the drug dealers nobody would do drugs. Like it is only the government's involvement that makes these people greedy.

Lastly for now. He wants to elminate the department of education. I don't agree. It needs to be changed but not shut down.

Thank you for listening

-Johnny V.

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